This is the regional e-governance initiative designed by UNDP and funded by the Government of Italy through the UNDPs Thematic Trust Fund, to support the Western Balkans region in the implementation of the e-SEE Agenda+ (2007-2012), the regional action plan for Information Society development[1]. The main e-Leadership goal is to catalyse implementation of e-SEE Agenda+ and ultimately reduce the “governance digital divide” that separates most of Western Balkans countries from EU, by strengthening and empowering the human capital. It is implemented by Sarajevo based UNDP hosted regional e-SEE Initiative Secretariat[1], in order to capitalise on the existing knowledge, networks and resources. The Government appointed e-Leaders are members of the Regional e-Governance Advisory Task Force (REGATA), and they act as Focal points for their respective countries. e-Leadership activities are organised into three working packages:
- e-CAPACITY: Strengthen capacities of e-Leaders who will champion the use of ICT in the public administration and civil society by provision of training opportunities in latest e-Governance knowledge;
- e-DEMOCRACY: Raising awareness and understanding of e-Leaders about e-Democracy, including the use of ICT in Government transparency, participatory democracy and social and economic inclusion;
- e-NETWORKING: Provide the web based e-Learning platform to share online modules, and the place for virtual networking among e-Governance educators, ICT professionals, civil society and other e-Leaders.
- National Agency for Information Society, Albania
- Ministry of Communication and Transport, BiH
- Ministry of Information Society, FYROM
- Ministry for Information Society, Moldova
- Ministry for Information Society, Montenegro
- Ministry for Telecommunications and Information Society, Serbia (Digital Agenda Serbia)
- Ministry of Communication and Transport Kosovo*
* “This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.”